HP Fortran Programmer's Reference (September 2007)

VOLATILE statement, 491
EQV operator, 88
ERR= specifier
BACKSPACE statement, 282
CLOSE statement, 299
DECODE statement, 320, 339
ENDFILE statement, 347
INQUIRE statement, 377
OPEN statement, 411
REWIND statement, 454
WRITE statement, 497
error codes
IOSTAT= specifier, 659
runtime I/O, 659
STAT= specifier, 276
error handling
libU77 routines, 647
BLAS, 658
ES edit descriptor, 249
escape characters in C, 119
ETIME routine, 648
EUC, 41
evaluation of expressions, 92
example programs
alloc_array.f90, 64
alt_return.f90, 165
array_val_ref.f90, 73
assumed_size.f90, 66
call_ttynam.f90, 644
def_assign.f90, 187
def_op.f90, 185
get_args.c, 179
int_file.f90, 228
int_func.f90, 167
intrinsic_arg.f90, 174
lin_eq_slv.f90, 193
main.f90, 193
nonadvance.f90, 229
optional_arg.f90, 176
pass_args.f90, 179
precision.f90, 193
proc_interface.f90, 183
ptr_assign.f90, 100
ptr_sts.f90, 133
score2grade.f90, 102
stmt_func.f90, 169
substring.f90, 120
swap_names.f90, 121
traffic.f90, 128
vector_sub.f90, 70
exception handling, ON statement, 408
exclamation mark (!) character
comment character, 50, 51
program units, 155
statements, 158, 675
execution control, 137
ASSIGN statement, 279
CALL statement, 291
CASE construct, 139
CONTINUE statement, 146, 310
CYCLE statement, 147, 311
DO construct, 141
DO statement, 326
ENTRY statement, 349
EXIT statement, 147, 357
FUNCTION statement, 363
GO TO (assigned) statement, 148, 365
GO TO (computed) statement, 149, 366
GO TO (unconditional) statement, 149, 367
IF (arithmetic) statement, 150, 368
IF (block) statement, 369
IF (logical) statement, 150, 370
IF construct, 145
PAUSE statement, 151, 423
RETURN statement, 452
SELECT CASE statement, 459
STOP statement, 152, 464
SUBROUTINE statement, 474
execution time, computing, 618
execution time, measuring, 592
EXIST= specifier
INQUIRE statement, 377
EXIT intrinsic subroutine, 549
EXIT statement, 328, 357
execution control, 147
exit status, obtaining, 550
EXP intrinsic function, 550
explicit interface, 181
assumed-shape arrays, 62
ENTRY statement, 351
glossary, 675
internal procedure, 167
intrinsic procedures, 503
library routines, 644
module procedures, 191
optional arguments, 176, 417
recursive procedures, 164
statement function, 169