HP Fortran Programmer's Reference (September 2007)

external, 675
generic, 183
glossary, 677
initializing, 94
main program unit, 158
naming conflicts
explicit interface, 181
intrinsics, 503
resolving, 193, 503, 645
NaN (not a number), 574
NEAREST intrinsic function, 599
NEQV operator, 88
DO loops, 328
host association, 157
implied-DO loops, 315
INCLUDE lines, 373
records, 448, 470
scoping units, 157
structures, 465, 468
new features of Fortran 90, 35
newline edit descriptor, 242
NEXTREC= specifier and INQUIRE
statement, 379
NINT intrinsic function, 599
NML= specifier
namelist-directed I/O, 213
READ statement, 441
WRITE statement, 497
nonadvancing I/O, 216
ADVANCE= specifier, 216
example, 229
READ statement, 441, 443
WRITE statement, 497, 498
NONE clause
IMPLICIT statement, 371, 372
nonexecutable program units, 155
nonsequenced types, 482
nonstandard intrinsics, 506
NOT intrinsic function, 600
NOT operator, 88
NULLIFY statement, 405
disassociated pointer status, 132
disassociating pointers, 317
NUM_PROC routine, 652
NUM_THREADS routine, 653
NUMBER= specifier
INQUIRE statement, 379
numeric types, 107
BYTE statement, 289
COMPLEX statement, 305
DOUBLE COMPLEX statement, 330
DOUBLE PRECISION statement, 332
edit descriptors, 249, 254
glossary, 677
I/O errors, 666, 667
INTEGER statement, 385
intrinsics, 511
REAL statement, 445
O edit descriptor, 258
allocating, 276
deallocating, 317
obsolescent feature
glossary, 677
constants, 114
edit descriptor, 258
ON statement, 407
ONLY clause
module access control, 193
USE statement, 488
OPEN statement, 410
errors, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 669, 670
INQUIRE statement, 375
OPENED= specifier
INQUIRE statement, 379
opening files, 206, 207
operands, 85
arrays, 77, 85
function arguments, 92
glossary, 677
logical, 88
pointers, 85
whole array, 85
OPERATOR clause, 433, 437
defined operators, 185
interface block syntax, 182
INTERFACE statement, 391
USE statement, 488