HP Fortran Version 3.3 Release Notes

Allocatable Attributes
Allocatable attribute is now supported on function dummy arguments and function
As per this a function can have the following:
Allocatable arrays as dummy arguments
Allocatable arrays as function results
Specification and Initialization expression
A specification expression can now reference a recursive function provided that the
function does not invoke the procedure containing that specification expression. It can
also refer an IEEE inquiry function.
An initialization expression can now refer to an elemental or transformational standard
intrinsic function. It can also refer to the IEEE_SELECTED_REAL_KIND from the
intrinsic module IEEE_ARITHMETIC.
IEEE intrinsic modules
Intrinsic modules IEEE_ARITHMETIC AND IEEE_EXCEPTIONS, are now supported
to provide various facilities related to IEEE arithmetic. Procedure that uses
IEEE_ARITHMETIC will have access to the public features of IEEE_EXCEPTIONS.
Controlling IEEE underflow and Intrinsic Modules
Following procedures have been added to the intrinsic module IEEE_ARITHMETIC.
IEEE_SUPPORT_UNDERFLOW_CONTROL: Inquire whether the procedure supports
the ability to control the underflow mode during program execution.
IEEE_GET_UNDERFLOW_MODE: Get the current underflow mode.
IEEE_SET_UNDERFLOW_MODE: Set the current underflow mode.
Another IEEE class value (IEEE_OTHER_VALUE)
The class IEEE_OTHER_VALUE has been added for the type IEEE_CLASS_TYPE.
Changes to Fortran intrinsic functions
To allow for the speed of modern processors, the argument COUNT_RATE of the
subroutineSYSTEM_CLOCK is permitted to be of type REAL as well as INTEGER. The
intrinsics MAX, MAXLOC, MAXVAL, MIN, MINLOC, and MINVAL have been extended
to apply to type CHARACTER as well as REALand INTEGER.