HP Process Resource Manager User's Guide

accessible PRM groups, listing
, 178
acctcom command, 190
displaying past process information, 190
fine-tuning your configuration, 161
support for PRM, 232
application records with a text editor, 131
compartment records with a text editor, 147
disk bandwidth records with a text editor,
group/CPU records with a text editor, 110
memory records with a text editor (private),
memory records with a text editor (shared),
Unix group records with a text editor, 151
user record for root (automatically), 139
user records with a text editor, 142
advantages to using PRM, 24
alternate configuration files
and the /etc/opt/prm/conf/ directory, 99
alternate group for a PRM user, 141
defined, 291
alternate name
defined, 291
pattern matching and, 63
PRM group assignments based on, 66
analysis of resource use, 77
detailed, 79
GlancePlus, 169
quick and simple, 78
with prmanalyze, 81, 162
assignment to a PRM group
, 126
in a user-specified group
, 136
prmrun syntax, 225
under PRM, 135
defined, 291
how PRM manages applications, 61
introduction, 20
launching an application under PRM, 135
movement of processes on start up, 135
setting the polling interval, 181
specifying applications to manage, 126
priority model for determining your
configuration, 72, 74
adding with a text editor, 131
alternate names, 129
compartment records overriding of, 62
defined, 291
duplicate application records, 126
introduction, 22
modifying with a text editor, 131
pattern matching (regular expressions) in
alternate names, 64
filenames, 63, 175
precedence over user records, 62
removing with a text editor, 134
specifying PRM control of applications,
specifying with a text editor, 131
syntax, 128
applications to PRM groups, 126
compartments to PRM groups, 145
CPU caps (max values), 111
CPU shares, 104
disk bandwidth shares, 123
memory allocations, 113
memory caps (max values), 113
Unix group to PRM groups, 149
users to PRM groups, 139
at command
support for PRM, 231