Operating Environment Software User Manual

<storageSize> size of the local disk in MB. If set to a negative number, the local disk is set to
default values upon import.
The <description> and <volumeNumber> values can be set as appropriate for the customer
environment. Other fields, such as <deviceType>, <storageSpeed>, and <diskStatus>,
should be left unspecified.
The other properties found in <CliComputePhysical> should not be changed (name, uuid,
and portabilityGroupID).
“Example filename.xml file (page 73) shows an example of a file specified by you using the
file filename parameters
Example 3 Example filename.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ComputeActuals xmlns="www.infosim/sn">
<description>my local disk</description>
<diskStatus>IN USE</diskStatus>
Use the following sample procedure to modify physical servers with local disk information:
1. Execute an lsmutil -export an to an XML file of you choice as specified with the file
filename parameter.
2. Edit the XML file with your favorite editor.
Using LSMUTIL with logical server storage 73