MPE/iX - CI Programming for Stability

July 18, 2008 HP World '01 67
Variable scoping
all CI variables are job/session global, except the following:
HPMSGFENCE, which are local to an instance of the CI
thus it is easy to set persistentvariables via a logon UDC
need care in name of UDC and script localvariables to not
collide with existing job/session variables
_scriptName_varname -- for all script variable names.
Use:deletevar _scriptName_@ at end of script
Can create unique variable names by using !HPPIN,
!HPCIDEPTH, !HPUSERCMDEPTH as part of the name, e.g.
:setvar _script_xyz_!hppin , value
save original value of some environment” variables
:setvar _script_savemsgfence hpmsgfence
:setvar hpmsgfence 2