MPE/iX - CI Programming for Stability

July 18, 2008 HP World '01 80
JINFO function
syntax: JINFO ([#]S|Jnnnn, item[,status] )
where jobID can be [#]J|Snnnor “0”, meaning me
63 unique items: Exists, CPUSec, IPAddr, JobQ,
Command, JobUserAcctGroup, JobState, StreamedBy,
Waiting ...
status parm is a variable name. If passed, CI sets status to
JINFO error return -- normal CI error handling bypassed
can see non-sensitive data for any job on system
can see sensitive data on: “you”; on other jobs w/ same
user.acct if jobsecurity is LOW; on other jobs in same
acct if AM cap; on any job if SM or OP cap