Installation Manual

HP Storage Essentials SRM 6.0 Installation Guide 287
2. Go to the <Installation_Directory>\CimExtensions\conf directory.
3. Open the UncShares.xml-sample file in a text editor.
4. Identify the host through which the UNC shares' scan is planned. This is the host through which
you will be scanning UNC shares from a different/remote host.
5. Add the host name and shared directory to the following line:
<!-- <UNC_SHARE PATH=""/> -->
For example:
<UNC_SHARE PATH="\\RemoteSystem\MyShare1"/>
Where RemoteSystem is the name of the host and MyShare is the name of the shared
Repeat it for all of your shares, as shown in the following example:
<UNC_SHARE PATH="\\RemoteSystem\MyShare1"/>
<UNC_SHARE PATH="\\RemoteSystem\MyShare2"/>
<UNC_SHARE PATH="\\RemoteSystem\MyShare3"/>
6. Save the file as UncShares.xml.
7. Restart the CIM Extension service on the managed host.
8. Update the element details for the host from the management server by running a Discovery
Data Collection.
9. Edit the File System Viewer configuration page for the host selecting the desired UNC shares to
The username and password combination you used for discovering the host should have at
least read only permissions on the file shares which need to be scanned. So in most cases this
would be a service account which you can have created in the active directory. This service
account should be an admin on the “proxy FSV host” and should have read only (at least)
access to the UNC share
NOTE: You can use the IP address of the host instead of the name.
If you want to discover multiple UNC shares which have different credentials, use different
“proxy FSV hosts” as you can currently use only use one login / password pair [each UNC
share has its own associated login / password in this release].
Additional Parameters
The following table describes additional parameters that can be specified in the
cim.extension.parameters file: