Command Reference Guide

2.7 NAME 41
2.7 NAME
fsejob Monitor execution of running FSE Jobs. Show status of running FSE
fsejob {–l | –list} [–M | –migration] [–R | –recall] [–A | –admin] [–C |
–recovery] [–T | –maint] [PartitionName] [–D | –detail]
fsejob {–t | –status} JobID
fsejob {–a | –abort} JobID...
fsejob {–p | –priority} JobID {Number | {–I | –incr} Number | {–D |
decr} Number}
fsejob {–h | –help}
fsejob {–v | –version}
This FSE command monitors execution of FSE jobs. It is used to perform these
FSE administrator’s tasks:
list running FSE jobs in whole FSE system or on a particular FSE partition,
show current status of an FSE job,
abort execution of specified FSE jobs,
change the priority of an FSE job.
Each FSE command communicates with the FSE system components through the
Management Interface (fse–mif). To execute an FSE command, the Management
Interface must be running. If the connection to the Management Interface fails,
check its status by running the fse status command. In case the Management
Interface is not running, start it with the fse start command. There should also
be a Partition Manager process (fse–pm) running for FSE partition for which the
File System Extender 3.2 Command Line Reference