Command Reference Guide

2.12 NAME 85
3. at the end of each data volume on FSE media (slow method).
If FRI is missing and none of the above methods can be used, the procedure reverts
to recovering from migrated metadata (the slowest method). If even this method
fails, the recovery process is stopped and an appropriate error is written to FSE
Recovery uses all available FSE drives for accessing multiple volumes at the same
time in order to speed up the recovery operation. The FSE partition for which File
System Catalog recovery is running is blocked for file accesses and all incoming
IMPORTANT: If FSE processes are stopped during the recovery operation, re-
covery will continue after the FSE processes will be started again.
HSM FS RECOVERY PROCEDURE An HSM file system is regenerated
from the Name Space Catalog (NSC), which holds all necessary information about
the HSM file system.
To recover an HSM file system from scratch the administrator has to:
1. unmount the inconsistent HSM file system
2. format the HSM file system
3. unmount the empty HSM file system (on Windows FSE clients only)
4. start recovery of the HSM file system
Recovery job can be stopped with the command:
fsejob –a <jobID>
If recovery of HSM file system is started again it will resume recovery from the
last recovered fileID. That fileID is retrieved from file:
/var/opt/fse/tmp/.<partition name>_hsmfs_recover (on Linux systems),
%Installpath%\var\tmp\.\<PartitionName>_hsmfs_recover (on Windows sys-
This file provides data for incremental recovery after power off or some other
inconvenient situations. If this file does not exist then recovery will start from
File System Extender 3.2 Command Line Reference