HP Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1B-2 and Higher Patch Kit Installation Instructions (March 2009)

The roll actually takes place during the reboot. The clu_upgrade roll command sets up
the it(8) scripts that will be run during the reboot. When you reboot, the it scripts roll the
member, build a customized kernel, and then reboot again so the member will be running
on its new customized kernel. When the member boots its new customized kernel, it has
completed its roll and is no longer running on tagged files.
9. Perform the switch stage (“Switch Stage”).
After all members have rolled, run the switch command on any member.
# clu_upgrade switch
10. One at a time, reboot each member of the cluster.
11. Perform the clean stage (“Clean Stage”).
Run the following command on any member to remove the tagged (.Old..) files from the
cluster and complete the upgrade.
# clu_upgrade clean
Removing Patches Installed During a Rolling Upgrade
The following sections provide important information you need to be aware of if you remove
or reinstall patches during a rolling upgrade.
Undoing a CSP or ERP When Paused at the Postinstall Stage
When applying an ERP or CSP to a TruCluster system it is good practice to stop at the Postinstall
stage and perform testing of the patch prior to rolling the patch on all the cluster members. This
can help reduce further impacts to the cluster. Installing the ERP/CSP using the Rolling Patch
method is fairly straightforward. The removal of the patch is where questions arise.
This note provides a summary of the steps and commands used to perform this task on a
two-member TruCluster system.
This procedure assumes that the ERP/CSP was installed using the Rolling Patch upgrade method
(using clu_upgrade) and not the No Roll method. This procedure does not apply to ERPs or
CSPs that where installed using the NoRoll method or to situations where the ERP/CSP was
installed on a single member TruCluster system.
Prior to installing patches, always make sure to maintain current backups of the following file
systems for a TruCluster system, along with disklabels for associated disks. Also note system
configuration information using the sys_check -all command.
/ = cluster_root#root Shared by all members
/usr = cluster_usr#usr Shared by all members
/var = cluster_var#varShared by all members
/cluster/members/member1/boot_partition = root1_domain#root
Member1 Member specific root file system.
/cluster/members/member1/boot_partition = root2_domain#root
Member2 Member specific root file system
Any additional Member specific root file systems
Summary of Steps:
1. While logged on to Server 1 (Lead Member) perform the undo of the Postinstall stage.
54 Patching a Cluster