HP Tru64 UNIX Version 5.1B-2 and Higher Patch Kit Installation Instructions (March 2009)

Causes: This usually occurs when you miss the selection of all dependent patches. It only occurs
in old style patch kits.
Action: Through the dupatch Installation Menu, take one of the following actions:
Reselect the patches including the noted dependent patch and attempt reinstallation; dupatch
will notify you of other missing dependent patches.
Select all patches and proceed with patch installation.
Checking patch prerequisites and patch file applicability...
(depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take a while)
Problem installing:
- DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Security Related Patches:
Patch 0579.01 - Security, Various Kernel Fixes (SSRT0482U)
requires the existence of the following un-installed/un-selected subset(s):
- TruCluster_V1.6 / Filesystem Patches:
Patch 0037.00 - Support For New AdvFS Mount Option "-o noatimes"
- TruCluster_V1.6 / ASE Availability Manager (AM) Patches:
Patch 0033.00 - Kern Mem Fault And simple_lock Panic Correction
This patch will not be installed.
* Following patch(es) failed in prerequisite/file applicability check:
- TRU64L_UNIX_V4.0F / Security Related Patches:
Patch 0579.01 - Security, Various Kernel Fixes (SSRT0482U)
Patch Installation Blocked by Missing Product Subset
Source: dupatch preinstallation check or installation.
Problem: A specific patch cannot be installed because the product software subset is not installed
on your system.
Causes: This is usually an informational message and no further action is required. However,
this message may also occur due to an internal patch kit error that results in an incorrectly
specified patch dependency.
Action: If the specific patch being blocked is the only patch being blocked you can assume this
is an informational message. It may be an internal patch kit error if there are other patches whose
installation is blocked by the patch whose subset is not installed. As a workaround, if you need
one of the other patches whose installation is blocked, you can install the optional Tru64 UNIX
or TCR release subset and reinstall the patches.
Checking patch prerequisites and patch file applicability...
(depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take a while)
Problem installing:
- TruCluster_V1.6 / Cluster Kernel Patches:
Patch 0035.00 - rm_spur Driver Correction
requires the existence of the following un-installed/un-selected subset(s):
- TruCluster_V1.6 - subset: TCRMCA141
This patch will not be installed.
Patch Preinstallation Check and Installation Messages 83