Technical data

Autostar IP
If the Line Profile button is selects, the diagonal line drawn through the Photometry Cursor indicates
which pixels will be graphed by the Draw Profile command. Other choices are the summation of the
rows, average of the rows, summation of the columns or average of the columns. If the Scaled Values
box is checked, the screen’s display values are used, otherwise the image pixel values are used to
generate the profile.
When this function is selected, a linearly scaled graph will be drawn which is automatically scaled to
display the entire range of the pixel values along the line. The left side of the graph displays the pixels
values at the start of the cursor box. Since you may draw the box in any orientation, you must keep track
of the starting point.
The profile graph is useful for viewing spectrographic data, or for viewing trends in the data, such as limb
darkening in a planetary image.
To write out the profile as a table of values to the log file, click on the Write to Log button.
List Pixel Values
The List Pixel Values function displays the values of the pixels contained within the smaller box located in
one corner of the overall cursor rectangle. The maximum size of the pixel list area is 25x25 pixels. If the
cursor rectangle is smaller than 25x25 pixels you will see only one rectangle. You will then see only those
pixels contained within the entire region.
The pixel values displayed are the actual image pixel values. If you click on the Print button, these values
will be printed on the default system printer. If you click on Write to Log, the pixel values for the whole
selected area, not just the 25x25 box, will be written to the log file in this tabular format. This allows you to
export large areas of the image to spread sheets or other software analysis tools.
One common use of these exported files is to create 3-D surface plots in spread sheets such as Excel or
Star Office.