Technical data

Autostar IP
The Copy command will duplicate all of the files in the list. The new file have named that begin with the
phrase "Copy_Of_”. Often, you do not want to operate on your original data, this makes it easy to create
backup copies to work on. Copy will also change your group list to point to the copies as a side effect of
this operation.
The Examine command allows you to quickly flip through, inspect and analyze a group of images. When
this command is selected, the dialog below will appear in the upper right corner of the program window.
By clicking on the direction buttons you can quickly flip through you images. To exit the examination
process, just click on Cancel.
After process images, you often will hve intermediate results images you wish to erase. The Delete group
command is a fast easy way to clean up. Use the Edit command to gather all you scrap files into an
image group, then select Delete. You will be prompted to confirm your delete. If you reply OK, all the files
in the group will be moved to the recycle bin.
The Calibrate command will bring up the Calbirate Dialog box, just as described in the Process section of
this manual. After the calibration files have been designated, the files will be applied to every image in the
current group.
The Align command allows you register and align all of the images in the current gourp to a single object.
When the command is selected all of the images in the group together are summed together to for a
working image. This image is displayed. If the scope has drifted slightly between the images, the
combined image will show multiple stars or trails similar to the section shown below:
The image fragment below shows clearly how all of the star are trippled. To align them, simply draw a
selection box around all the stars that should be co-aligned.