
Appendix C - Glossary
I/O pin
External microcontroller's connector pin which can be configured as input or output. In most cases
I/O pin enables a microcontroller to communicate, control or read information.
Information that microcontroller needs in order to be able to function. Software can not have any
errors if we want the program and a device to function properly. Software can be written in
different languages such as: Basic, C, pascal or assembler. Physically, that is a file on computer
Microcontroller, memory, supply, signal circuits and all components connected with
The other way of viewing this (especially if it's not working) is, that, hardware is something you
can kick.
Software package for PC which simulates the internal function of microcontroller. It is ideal for
checking software routines and all the parts of the code which do not have over demanding
connections with an outside world. Options are installed to watch the code, movement around the
program back and forth step by step, and debugging.
ICE (In Circuit Emulator), internal emulator, very useful part of the equipment which connects a
PC instead of microcontroller on a device that is being developed. It enables software to function
on the PC computer, but to appear as if a real microcontroller exists in the device. ICE enables you
to move through program in real time, to see what is going on in the microcontroller and how it
communicates with an outside world.
EPROM Emulator
EPROM Emulator is a device which does not emulate the entire microcontroller like ICE emulator,
but it only emulates its memory. It is mostly used in microcontrollers that have external memory.
By using it we avoid constant erasing and writing of EPROM memory.
Software package which translates source code into a code which microcontroller can understand.
It contains a section for discovering errors. This part is used when we debug a program from
errors made when program was written.
HEX file
This is a file made by assembler translator when translating a source file, and has a form
"understood" by microcontrollers. A continuation of the file is usually File_name.HEX where the
name HEX file comes from.
List file
This is a file made by assembler translator and it contains all instructions from source file with
addresses and comments programmer has written. This is a very useful file for keeping track of
errors in the program. File extension is LST which is where its name comes from.
Source File
http://www.mikroelektronika.co.yu/english/product/books/PICbook/C_Dodatak.htm (2 of 4) [4/2/2003 16:19:32]