
capable of producing an ASCII file on the computer disc or in specialized surroundings such as
MPLAB - to be explained in the next chapter.
Assembly language
Basic elements of assembly language are:
A Label is a textual designation (generally an easy-to-read word) for a line in a program, or
section of a program where the micro can jump to - or even the beginning of set of lines of a
program. It can also be used to execute program branching (such as Goto .......) and the program
can even have a condition that must be met for the Goto instruction to be executed. It is
important for a label to start with a letter of the alphabet or with an underline "_". The length of
the label can be up to 32 characters. It is also important that a label starts in the first clumn.
Instructions are already defined by the use of a specific microcontroller, so it only remains for us
to follow the instructions for their use in assembly language. The way we write an instruction is
also called instruction "syntax". In the following example, we can recognize a mistake in writing
because instructions movlp and gotto do not exist for the PIC16F84 microcontroller.
http://www.mikroelektronika.co.yu/english/product/books/PICbook/4_Poglavlje.htm (3 of 15) [4/2/2003 16:18:10]