
Chapter 5 - MPLAB
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Following the installment procedure, you will get a screen of the program itself. As you can see,
MPLAB looks like most of the Windows programs. Near working area there is a "menu" (upper blue
colored area with options File, Edit..etc.), "toolbar" (an area with illustrations the size of small
squares), and status line on the bottom of the window. There is a rule in Windows of taking some
of the most frequently used program options and placing them below the menu, too. Thus we can
access them easier and speed up the work. In other words, what you have in the toolbar you also
have in the menu.
The screen after starting the MPLAB
The purpose of this chapter is for you to become familiar with MPLAB developing environment and
with basic elements of MPLAB such as:
Choosing a developing mode
Designing a project
Designing a file for the original program
Writing an elementary program in assembler program language
Translating a program into executive code
Starting the program
http://www.mikroelektronika.co.yu/english/product/books/PICbook/5_02Poglavlje.htm (1 of 2) [4/2/2003 16:18:20]