
Chapter 5 - MPLAB
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5.3 Choosing the development mode
Setting a developing mode is necessary so that MPLAB can know what tools will be used to
execute the written program. In our case, we need to set up the simulator as a tool that's being
used. By clicking on OPTIONS---> DEVELOPMENT MODE, a new window will appear as in the
picture below:
Setting a developing mode
We should select the 'MPLAB-SIM Simulator' option because that is where the program will be
tried out. Beside this option, the 'Editor Only' option is also available. This option is used only if we
want to write a program and by programmer write' hex file' in a microcontroller. Selection of the
microcontroller model is done on the right hand side. Since this book is based on the PIC16F84,
this model should be selected.
Usually when we start working with microcontrollers, we use a simulator. As the level of
knowledge will have increased, program will be written in a microcontroller right after translation.
Our advice is that you always use the simulator. Though program will seem to develop slower, it
will pay off in the end.
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