Programming instructions

Table Of Contents
Command Query Options and Query Returns
:WAVeform:SOURce? <source> ::= {ANALog1 | ANALog2 | POD1 | POD2}
<channel> ::= {1 | 2}
n/a :WAVeform:TYPE? <return_mode> ::= {NORMal | PEAK | AVERage}
n/a :WAVeform:XINCrement? <return_value> ::= x-increment in the current preamble in NR3
n/a :WAVeform:XORigin? <return_value> ::= x-origin value in the current preamble in NR3
n/a :WAVeform:XREFerence? <return_value> ::= x-reference value in the current preamble in
NR1 format
n/a :WAVeform:YINCrement? <return_value> ::= y-increment value in the current preamble in
NR3 format
n/a :WAVeform:YORigin? <return_value> ::= y-origin in the current preamble in NR3 format
n/a :WAVeform:YREFerence? <return_value>::= y-reference value in the current preamble in
NR1 format
Programmer’s Quick Reference
Commands and Queries