User guide

l AC POWER: Check the power unit for correct AC mains voltage setting before switching on. Allow
adequate space around the unit for ventilation.
l CONNECTIONS: Use audio connectors and cables only for their intended purpose. Do not connect any
source of AC or DC power to the console audio connectors. Do not connect the output
of power amplifiers directly to the console.
l CLEANING: Avoid the use of chemicals, abrasives and solvents. The control panel is best cleaned
with a soft brush and lint-free cloth. To remove stubborn marks (such as chinagraph
pencil) isopropyl alcohol may be used.
l LUBRICATION: The faders, switches and potentiometers are lubricated for life. The use of electrical
lubricants on these parts is not recommended.
l DIRT, DUST, SMOKE and MOISTURE: Prevent damage to the moving parts, such as faders and
potentiometers, and cosmetics by avoiding drinks spillage, tobacco ash and smoke,
and exposure to rain and condensation. Protect from excessive dirt, dust, heat and
The GL2000 continues ALLEN & HEATH’s commitment to provide high quality audio mixing consoles
engineered to meet the exacting requirements of today’s audio business. It brings you the latest in high performance
technology and offers the reassurance of over two decades of console manufacture and customer support.
This user guide presents a quick reference to the function, application and installation of the GL2000. For further
information on the basic principles of audio system engineering please refer to one of the specialist publications
available from bookshops and audio equipment dealers.
Whilst we believe the information in this guide to be reliable we do not assume responsibility for any inaccuracies.
We also reserve the right to make changes in the interest of further product development.
Under normal conditions the GL2000 does not require user maintenance or internal calibration. Any service work
required should be carried out by qualified service personnel only.
We are able to offer further product support through our worldwide network of approved dealers and service agents.
To help us provide the most efficient service please keep a record of the console serial number, and date and place
of purchase to be quoted in any communication regarding this product.
Mains electricity is dangerous and can kill. Mains voltage is present within
the GL2000. Do not carry out any work within the console while it is powered.
The console mains voltage setting is indicated on the rear of the console.
Check your mains wiring and earthing before switching on.
The console chassis is connected to mains earth to ensure your safety.
Audio 0V connects to the console chassis internally. Should problems be
encountered with ground loops, operate the audio ground lift switches on
connected equipment or disconnect the cable screens at one end. Refer to
the section on 'EARTHING' in this User Guide.