User Guide

A-12 Ampex 1308911-02
Model No.
Running Head
Glossary Glossary and Acronyms
Volume Format Information Zone (VFI)
A set of data that identifies a given DD-2 cartridge and describes its
format — partition size and count, system zone layout etc. Volume
format information is written on the tape in each VFI zone.
Volume ID A six-byte value intended to hold a label that uniquely identifies the
tape. Each VFI contains a copy of the volume ID. In the DD-2 format,
the volume ID can be any arbitrary set of six bytes containing ASCII
or binary values, as long as all six bytes are not binary zero.
Waste Partition Layout
A tape format that wastes the excess space between the end of a
partition and the next system zone if there is not room enough for
another partition. No system zones occur within any partition. See also
Alternate, Pack, and Stretch partition layouts.
Write A system call that transfers data from the calling program over an
open device interface to a device.