User Guide

Ampex 1308911-02 A-13
Glossary and Acronyms Acronyms
A.2 Acronyms
ADFN Absolute Double Frame Number.
BOM Beginning of Media.
BOP Beginning of Partition.
BOT Beginning of Tape.
CDBN Cumulative Data Block Number.
DBN Data Block Number.
DD-2 Data Digital 2.
DST Data Storage Technology
EMW End of Media Warning.
EOD End of Data.
EOF End of File.
EOM End of Media.
EOR End of Recording.
EOP End of Partition.
EOT End of Tape.
EW Early Warning.
FSN File Section Number.
GB Gigabytes.
LDBN Logical Data Block Number.
MB Megabytes.
NOP Null operation.
PBOM Physical Beginning of Media.
PBOT Physical Beginning of Tape.
PEOM Physical End of Media.
PEOT Physical End of Tape.
PID Process ID.
PWA Printed Wiring Assembly
SCSI-2 Small Computer System Interface version 2.
TB Terabytes.
UID User ID.
VFI Volume Format Information.