User Guide

Ampex 1308911-02 5-45
libdd2 API Functions dst_reset
5.13 dst_reset
dst_reset() - reset the tape drive.
#include <dd2.h>
int dst_reset(int fd);
dst_reset() resets the tape drive. This restores the drive’s configuration parameters to the last
saved values and clears any active I/O process, pending data, and status. The tape drive
performs its standard power-on self tests, after which the drive status indicators and display
begin normal operation. dst_reset() returns immediately, however. It doesn’t wait for the drive
to return to normal status.
dst_reset() normally results in a reset identical to that obtained by manually pressing the drive
reset button. However, certain configurations may result in soft resets for some conditions
(such as concurrent use of the drive by multiple hosts).
Using dst_reset() to perform a software reset is usually preferable to manually pressing the
drive RESET button because it gives the host system software better recovery opportunities.
dst_reset() is restricted to the root user.
fd The file descriptor returned by the open call.
The return value is DST_SUCCESS (0) or DST_FAILURE (-1). See “DST API Overview” on
page 5-1 for information on
errno failure messages and associated DST result codes.
dst_api_intro(), dd2_reset_drive