Inc. Computer Hardware User Manual

The ADuC812 provides a total of nine interrupt sources with
two priority levels. The control and configuration of the interrupt
system is carried out through three Interrupt-related SFRs.
IE: Interrupt Enable Register.
IP: Interrupt Priority Register.
IE2: Secondary Interrupt Enable Register.
IE: Interrupt Enable Register
SFR Address A8H
Power-On Default Value 00H
Bit Addressable Yes
Table XXIII. IE SFR Bit Designations
Bit Name Description
7 EA Written by User to Enable “1” or Disable “0” All Interrupt Sources
6 EADC Written by User to Enable “1” or Disable “0” ADC Interrupt
5 ET2 Written by User to Enable “1” or Disable “0” Timer 2 Interrupt
4 ES Written by User to Enable “1” or Disable “0” UART Serial Port Interrupt
3 ET1 Written by User to Enable “1” or Disable “0” Timer 1 Interrupt
2 EX1 Written by User to Enable “1” or Disable “0” External Interrupt 1
1 ET0 Written by User to Enable “1” or Disable “0” Timer 0 Interrupt
0 EX0 Written by User to Enable “1” or Disable “0” External Interrupt 0
IP: Interrupt Priority Register
SFR Address B8H
Power-On Default Value 00H
Bit Addressable Yes
Table XXIV. IP SFR Bit Designations
Bit Name Description
7 PSI Written by User to Select SPI/I2C Priority (“1” = High; “0” = Low)
6 PADC Written by User to Select ADC Interrupt Priority (“1” = High; “0” = Low)
5 PT2 Written by User to Select Timer 2 Interrupt Priority (“1” = High; “0” = Low)
4 PS Written by User to Select UART Serial Port Interrupt Priority (“1” = High; “0” = Low)
3 PT1 Written by User to Select Timer 1 Interrupt Priority (“1” = High; “0” = Low)
2 PX1 Written by User to Select External Interrupt 1 Priority (“1” = High; “0” = Low)
1 PT0 Written by User to Select Timer 0 Interrupt Priority (“1” = High; “0” = Low)
0 PX0 Written by User to Select External Interrupt 0 Priority (“1” = High; “0” = Low)