Computer Network Router User Manual

Routing and Communications
7-6 The In/Out Box
If applications provide multiple view templates for the type of data currently
on display in the In/Out Box application, the In/Out Box includes a Show
button and picker, so users can choose among the available views. For
example, when a Names File item is displayed in the In/Out Box, the Show
picker lists at least the two choices All Info and Card (which the Names File
application provides). Figure 7-2 illustrates a Show button in the In/Out Box.
Figure 7-2 A Show button provides access to alternative views
Viewing Routing Information 7
When viewing the detail of an item in the In/Out Box, the transport icon to
the left of the item title is an Item Info picture button, and a user can tap it to
display a view that gives routing information about the item. Figure 7-3
shows an example.
In the In/Out Box application, an Item Info slip displays the item title as an
editable field, the transport icon and name, and the item’s size. The slip may
display other information, depending on the type of transport. For example,
Item Info slip for a fax transport shows the fax resolution and the recipient’s
fax number.
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