User guide

Chapter 9 Working With Tracks 211
Working With Frozen Tracks
Once a track is frozen:
 It is not possible to cut and rearrange freeze files in any way, nor is it possible to mix
the freeze files with their originals on a single track—you can use one or the other,
not both!
 It is also not possible to record audio on frozen tracks. In fact, the Record Enable
button is hidden when a track is frozen.
 You can not edit any instrument or plug-in parameters (or related automation data).
You can, however, still edit the following parameters of frozen tracks:
 Effect send levels and destinations
 Panorama parameters
 Volume, mute, and solo
This includes automation data for these parameters.
Whenever you try to edit forbidden parameters of frozen tracks, (such as plug-in
parameters that were rendered into the freeze file), Logic Express will display an error
To unfreeze and edit a track:
1 Click Unfreeze to deactivate the Freeze button of the track.
The freeze file will be deleted.
Note: The track will now use the amount of CPU processing power that it originally
required, if you press Play.
2 You can now perform your edits, and activate the Freeze button again, if required.
Freeze Files
The temporary freeze files are saved in a folder named Freeze Files which is created in
the root directory of your project folder. You usually won’t need to access these freeze
files directly.
Logic Express manages these freeze files automatically in the background: They are
created during the Freeze process, will play back in place of the original tracks (as long
as these tracks are frozen), and will be deleted as soon as the Freeze button of the
corresponding track is turned off.