User guide

230 Chapter 10 Working With Instruments and Effects
To select the next or previous channel strip setting, do one of the following:
m Click the Setting button and choose the Previous or Next Channel Strip Setting
m Use one of the following key commands:
 Next Channel Strip Setting
 Previous Channel Strip Setting
 Next Channel Strip or Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument
 Previous Channel Strip or Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument
This will load the previous or next channel strip setting shown in the list. This feature is
handy when trying to find the right delay or clavinet sound, for example.
To copy and paste a channel strip setting:
m Click the Setting button and choose the Copy or Paste Channel Strip Setting item from
the menu, as applicable.
You can also use the Copy Channel Strip Setting and the Paste Channel Strip Setting
key commands.
Note: When you paste channel strips (instead of loading them), the Level fader,
Panorama Send Level, and all routing destinations are also set according to the channel
strip setting in the Clipboard.
To save a channel strip setting:
1 Click the Setting button and choose Save Channel Strip Setting As (or use the
corresponding key command).
2 In the Save Channel Strip Setting As dialog, select the appropriate sub-folder (if
applicable), and type in a name for the channel strip setting.
As there are different classes of channel strips, a number of channel type specific sub-
folders are available in the Channel Strip Settings folder. These sub-folder structures are
reflected in the Settings menu for each type of channel strip:
Please do not attempt to change the Channel Strip Settings folder structure. But you
may create a new folder, if desired, and save into it. If no folder is selected, the saved
channel strip setting will be shown directly in the Channel Strip Setting menu, below
the functions.
You can remotely switch between channel strip settings by sending MIDI program
change messages. This allows you to select your favorite sounds (consisting of a
complete channel strip setting that can contain a software instrument and effect plug-
ins) by pushing a button on your MIDI keyboard. This facility is named channel strip
performances, and is designed for live use of Logic Express.