User guide

Chapter 2 Overview of the Logic Express Interface 43
 Arrange channel strips: The left-hand channel strip controls the output of the
selected arrange track. The right-hand channel strip can vary, dependent on actions
performed in the left channel strip. As examples, the right channel strip can display
the first aux or output destination channel strip for the left-hand channel strip. This
facility makes it quick and easy to set up flexible effects and audio routing schemes.
It also provides an at-a-glance view of processing and routing for the selected
arrange track, and you can access all of the mixer channel functions (volume, pan,
sends, inserts, and so on) directly from the Arrange area. Any adjustments you make
to a track’s Arrange channel strip will be reflected in the corresponding Mixer
channel strip, and vice-versa.
Note: The horizontal size of the Inspector can not be altered. In situations where the
area in key focus does not provide a parameter area, the Inspector for the Arrange area
is displayed.
As the Inspector updates to display the parameters of the window with key focus,
usage details are found in the chapters for each window.