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466 Chapter 18 Editing MIDI Events in the Event List
Editing Events
The list area features several columns: Position, Status, Ch(annel), Num(ber), Val(ue),
and Length/Info: These columns display all details of all event types. In most cases, you
can directly edit the data displayed (with the exception of the Status column, which
merely indicates the event type).
Not all columns are used for every type of event. As examples, system exclusive
messages are not MIDI channel specific, so the Ch(annel) column is unused. Channel
and polyphonic pressure messages have no length, so the Length/Info column is left
In some instances, clicking on the information in the Num(ber) or Val(ue) column will
open a pop-up menu, allowing you to choose an option. As an example, clicking on
the Num(ber) column of a MIDI controller event (Control is shown in the Status
column) will open a pop-up menu of numbered and named standard MIDI controller
types. These include: Controller numbers 3 = Solo, 7 = Volume, 10 = Pan, and so on.
Full details on the different event types, the parameters shown in the columns, and the
impact of changes—on both the event itself, and other columns—is found in “Learning
About Event Types on page 469.
Changing the Position and Length of Events
The units shown in the Position and Length/Info columns represent bars, beats,
divisions, and ticks. Counting begins at 1 for each unit (first bar, first beat, first division,
first tick: 1 1 1 1), and continues until it is carried over to the next largest unit.
Numerical input starts from the left (which means you can simply enter the bar
number, and press Return, if you want to move an event to the beginning of a specific
bar, when typing in a value). The units can be separated by either spaces, dots, or
commas, allowing you to type: or 3, 2, 2, 2 or 3 space 2 space 2 space 2.
Note: For the sake of clarity, when the length begins with one or more zeros, a period
(“.”) is used in place of the zeros. The minimum possible length is 1 tick (. . . 1) not 0
ticks, as simultaneously switching a note (or other event) on and off wouldn’t make