User guide

Chapter 21 Editing Audio in the Sample Editor 537
Tempo Parameters
The Tempo section is divided into two columns. The left column (Original) displays the
current values of the selected area in the audio file. The right column (Destination) is
used to set the desired target values.
Tempo Change (%)
Determines the tempo alteration, displayed as a percentage (no original value is
Displays the tempo in bpm (beats per minute). Ensure that you set the right length in
bars, or the correct original tempo will not be shown on the left!
Length in Samples
Displays the length of the selected area in samples.
Length in SMPTE
Displays the length of the selected area in SMPTE time format.
Length in Bars
Displays the length of the selected area in musical values (bars, beats, divisions, and
ticks). If you have already adjusted the project tempo to match the region that you’re
about to edit, the original value will automatically be set correctly. If not, you need to
manually enter the original length here.
Pitch Parameters
You use the pitch parameters to determine the amount of transposition in cents, and
also the strength of harmonic correction, if used.
Transposition (Cent)
Transposition of the sound material in 1/100th semitone units (cents). A value of 100
will result in an upwards transposition by one semitone. A value of –1200 will result in
the audio material being transposed down an octave.
Harmonic Correction
The entire spectral structure is shifted when audio is transposed. During this process,
not only is the fundamental pitch transposed, but all of the resonances (formants) are
shifted as well—as though the whole instrument or singer is being reduced or
enlarged. This, of course, is not natural. Voices transposed up will sound like Mickey
Mouse, or like Darth Vader if transposed down.
You can use the Harmonic Correction feature of the Time and Pitch Machine to correct
this unnatural spectral shifting of formants.
Turn on the Harmonic Correction checkbox to correct the formants that define the
timbre (sonic character). In other words, the formants in the transposed material are
not changed.