User guide

614 Chapter 26 Working With Automation
Creating Automation Nodes
Click on, or just outside, an automation line (not on a node) with the Pointer or Pencil
to create a new node.
The very first click in an empty automation track creates a new node at that position,
and another node at the beginning of the track. This ensures that you can’t create
parameter controls with gaps in the middle of a region, and have full control over the
parameter from the beginning of the automation track.
To freely draw automation:
m Draw the desired automation lines (and curves) with the Pencil tool.
Nodes will be created along the line.
To create a new node on each side of a rubber band area:
m Option-Shift-click and drag with the Pointer tool to make a rubber band selection.
This creates a new node on each side of the rubber band area.
Tip: With Option-Control-Shift held, two new nodes will be created on each side.
To create nodes at region borders:
m Select the desired region and choose either of the following commands:
 Options > Track Automation > Create 2 nodes at region border. This creates one
node at each end of the selection area.
 Options > Track Automation > Create 4 nodes at region border. This creates two
nodes at each end of the selection area.
Deleting Track Automation Data
You can choose one of the following commands in the Options > Track Automation
menu (or the corresponding key command) to delete track automation data:
 Delete currently visible Automation Data of Current Track: Removes the active
automation parameter data (default key command assignment: Control-Command-
 Delete All Automation Data of Current Track: Removes all types of automation data
from the selected track (default key command assignment: Shift-Control-Command-