Data Sheet

communicates by receiving and sending serial data. The serial monitor is the 'tether' between
the computer and your UNO. It lets you send and receive text messages, handy for debugging
and also controlling the UNO from a keyboard. See the icon on the upper right of Figure 8. You
just need to click the serial monitor icon to open it.
Figure 8 Serial monitor
To send data to the board, enter text and click on the "send" button or press enter. Choose the
baud rate from the drop-down that matches the rate passed to Serial.begin in your sketch.
Which port selected to open in the serial monitor is the same as the port for uploading Arduino
code. Go to Tools -> Serial Port, and select the correct port.
How to start a lesson
Step 1 Add the library (This step only needs to do once, if you have already installed, please
skip this step.)
Step 2 Find and double click the file of lesson code, then you will see the IDE dialog box.
Step 3 Connect the components according to the connection schematic and wiring diagram.
Then connect your UNO board or MEGA2560 to PC via the USB cable.
Step 4 Compile and download the program. Then you will see the result.