User Guide

4. Using the Notebook PC
Type: [Auto] (Use the - or Shift + key to change setting)
Select Auto to automatically detect an IDE type drive. This option only works with standard built-in
IDE drives. If automatic detection is successful, the correct values will be filled in for the remaining
fields on this sub-menu.
To configure a drive manually, select User. Manually enter the number of cylinders, heads and sectors
per track for your drive. Refer to your drive documentation or look on the drive for this information. If
no drive is installed or if you are removing a drive and not replacing it, select None. Set the type to CD-
ROM to support a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
This field configures the number of cylinders. Refer to your drive documentation to determine the correct
value to enter into this field. NOTE: To make changes to this field, the Type field must be set to User.
This field configures the number of read/write heads. Refer to your drive documentation to determine the
correct value to enter into this field. NOTE: To make changes to this field, the Type field must be set to User.
Item Specific Help
Primary IDE [IBM-DJSA-210]
<Enter> to select the
type of the IDE drive.
[User Type HDD] allows
you to set each entry on
your own.
WARNING: Ultra DMA mode
3/4 can be enabled only
when BIOS detects
shielded 80-pin cable.
Type: [Auto]
Cylinders [ 1024]
Head [240]
Sector [63]
CHS Capacity 7927MB
Maximum LBA Capacity 10056MB
Multi-Sector Transfers [Maximum]
SMART Monitoring [Disabled]
PIO Mode [4]
Ultra DMA Mode [2]
NOTE: Before attempting to configure a hard disk drive, make sure you have the con-
figuration information supplied by the manufacturer of the drive. Incorrect settings
may cause your system to not recognize the installed hard disk. To allow the BIOS to
detect the drive type automatically, select [AUTO].
Primary IDE (sub-menu)
This field is used to configure the primary IDE drive installed in the system. To configure a hard disk
drive, select this sub-menu from the Main menu and press the Enter key to enter this sub-menu.