
Page -27-© Audient Ltd
Group Mode
Group mode (22) is currently unsupported in the
initial Cubase / Nuendo software release.
Please see for the latest updates
to control functionality.
Other Select Modes - Analogue Layer.
There are three further select modes available on ASP2802
which are used in the analogue layer.
For more specfic
information about the
functionality of these
modes, please see the
main analogue manual.
Solo-In-Place Safe - not
used in the DAW layer,
please consult the full
ASP2802 analogue manual
for more information.
Automation Safe - used in the analogue layer for isolating
channels from any automation control data, ideal for trying
out a new ride before recording the pass of automation.
Unity - used in the analogue layer to provide a quick and
easy way to position the channel fader at the unity gain
(0 dB) position. This is very useful if you are setting up a
stem session for analogue summing etc.
To use these functions press the function required in the select
mode panel and then press the large channel select switches
(18) on each and every channel that requires the application of
the function selected.
Control Surface Functions