User guide

ASP8024-DLC Audio Functionality
Here is a rundown of the functions of the eight analogue DLC channels.
The eight DLC channels can be sourced from the line-in connections on the
rear of the console or be fed from the sub groups on the ASP8024 itself.
The line-in connections are selected by default when the button is in the UP
position. Depressing the SOURCE switch will input the sub group audio
equivalent to that channel number. These buttons are individually switchable
to allow the greatest flexibility within the DLC panel.
DESTination Button
The eight DLC channels can be assigned to the line-out connections on the
rear of the console or to the sub group.
The line-out connections are selected by default when the button is in the UP
position. Depressing the DESTination switch will assign audio to the
equivalent sub group of that channel. Again, these buttons are individually
switchable to allow the greatest flexibility within the DLC panel.
Pan Control
Pans the audio to the mix.
MIX Button
Press this switch to assign the output of the DLC channel to the Mix bus. You
can therefore route the line-in sources directly to mix, effectively adding a
further eight channels of inputs to your console.