Technical data

14 Managing Security
14-10 Administration Guide
7. To enable and configure the Authentication cache, define values for the attributes
shown on the Authentication tab in the Caching Realm Configuration window.
The following table describes the attributes you set on the Authentication tab.
8. To save your changes, click the Apply button.
9. To enable and configure the Group cache, define values for the attributes shown
on the Groups tab in the Caching Realm Configuration window.
The following table describes the attributes you set on the Group tab.
Table 14-4 Authentication Cache Attributes
Attribute Description
Enable Authentication Cache Option for enabling the Authentication
Authentication Cache Size Maximum number of Authenticate
requests to cache. This attribute should be
a prime number for best lookup
performance. The default is 211.
Authentication Cache TTLPositive Number of seconds to retain the results of
a successful lookup. The default is 60
Authentication Cache TTLNegative Number of seconds to retain the results of
an unsuccessful lookup. The default is 10
Table 14-5 Group Cache Attributes
Attribute Description
Enable Group Cache Option for enabling the Group cache.
Group Cache Size Maximum number of Group lookups to
cache. This attribute should be a prime
number for best lookup performance. The
default is 211.