Technical data

2 Starting and Stopping WebLogic Servers
2-4 Administration Guide
Note: When starting WebLogic Server, JDK 1.3 may throw an OutOfMemory error
if you are trying to load a large number of classes. This error occurs even
though there appears to be plenty of memory available. If you encounter a
java.lang.OutOfMemory error exception when you start WebLogic Server,
increase the value of the following JMS option:
java -XX:MaxPermSize=<value>
where <value> is some number in kilobytes.
For JDK1.3.0, the JVM default value for
MaxPermSize is max value of 32m
(where m stands for megabytes). For JDK1.3.1, the default value for
MaxPermSize is 64m.
Use of Passwords When Starting the WebLogic Server
During installation you are asked to specify a password that will be required when the
server is started. If you use start scripts to start an Administration Server or a Managed
Server, you can include the password as a command-line argument (See Starting the
WebLogic Administration Server from the Command Line.) If you start the server
using a script without the password specified as a command-line argument, you will
be prompted to enter the password. You can avoid being prompted if the password is
specified as a command-line argument, but then the password will be stored in clear
text in the script file.
Starting the WebLogic Administration Server from the
Start Menu
If you installed WebLogic Server on Windows with the BEA Installation program, you
can use the WebLogic Server shortcut on the Windows Start menu to start the
WebLogic Administration Server. Select:
ProgramsBEA WebLogic E-Business PlatformWeblogic Server
Ve rs io n
Start Default Server
version is the WebLogic Server software version number.