Technical data

Messaging Bridge Configuration Tasks
Administration Guide 18-5
You will specify the appropriate adapter by its JNDI name when you configure each
source and target bridge destination on the Administration Console.
Deploying the Bridge’s Resource Adapters
Before you configure the messaging bridge components, deploy the appropriate
resource adapters in the WebLogic Server domain that is hosting the messaging bridge,
using either of the following methods:
n On the Administration Console — Select the Domain in which you will be
deploying the adapters in, and then select Deployments
Applications option,
and then select the appropriate
RAR adapter file, as defined in “Messaging Bridge
Adapters and JNDI Names” on page 18-4.
l jms-xa-adp.rar
l jms-notran-adp.rar
l jms-notran-adp51.rar
n Using the Auto Deployment feature — This method is used for quickly
deploying an application on the administration server. By copying the adapters to
the local
\applications directory of the administration server, they will be
automatically deployed if the server is already running. Otherwise, they will be
deployed the next time you start WebLogic Server. The auto deployment method
is used only in a single-server development environment for testing an
application, and is not recommended for use in production mode.
jms-notran-adp51.rar eis.jms.WLS51Connection
Provides interoperability when either the
source or target destination is WebLogic
Server 5.1. This adapter provides no
transaction semantics; therefore, it only
supports a QOS of Atmost-once or
Duplicate-okay. If the requested QOS is
Atmost-once, the adapter uses the
requested QOS is Duplicate-okay,
Table 18-1 Messaging Bridge Adapters and JNDI Names
Adapter JNDI Name Description