Technical data

Messaging Bridge Configuration Tasks
Administration Guide 18-13
Target Destination Select the target destination to which messages are sent from
the messaging bridge. For example, for a JMS messaging
bridge, you should select the “JMS Target Bridge Destination”
name that you created on the JMS Bridge Destination
Configuration tab.
Selector Allows you to filter the messages that are sent across the
messaging bridge. Only messages that match the selection
criteria are sent across the messaging bridge. For queues,
messages that do not match the selection criteria are left behind
and accumulate in the queue. For topics, messages that do not
match the connection criteria are dropped.
For more information on using selectors to filter messages, see
“Developing a WebLogic JMS Application” in Programming
WebLogic JMS.
Quality Of Service (QOS) Select a QOS guarantee for forwarding a message across a
messaging bridge. The valid qualities of service are:
Exactly-once—Each message will be sent exactly once. This is
the highest quality of service. In order to use this QOS:
n Any WebLogic Server implementation must be release 6.1
or later.
n The source and target JMS connection factories must be
configured to use the
n The transaction jms-xa-adp.rar adapter must be
deployed and identified in the Adapter JNDI Name
attribute as
eis.jms.WLSConnectionFactoryJNDIXA for
both the source and target destinations.
Atmost-once—Each message is sent at most one time. Some
messages may not be delivered to the target destination.
Duplicate-okay—Each message is sent at least one time.
Duplicate messages can be delivered to the target destination.
Table 18-4 Messaging Bridge Attributes on the General Tab
Attribute Description