Database Design Report XML Output Grammar

| General Section 5
General Section
Tag Name Value Description
The top most parent node.
Can have one of the
following values:
1 Summary
1 Report
Stores the type of the XML report file. This
value is used by the XSL file to determine if we
are in summary mode or report mode.
FMPro Advanced
Version/vrev of Filemaker Pro Advanced that
generated this report.
Date string based on the
system's locale
Contains the creation date of the report.
creationTime="2:01 pm"
Time string based on the
system's locale.
Contains the creation time of the report.
link="Summary.xml" >
Valid filename based on the
OS platform.
Contains the XML summary report file name.
XML node that contains the information about
the database file report such as the original
filename and the path of the report directory.
Valid filename based on the
OS platform.
No validation is performed in the text string
content. It is only used for display.
path="D:\Location" />
Platform specific file path. Path of the XML report file of the database file.
File specific options of the database file.
Applicable options when the database file is
<Account name="PowerUsers">
The account used on File Open.
<Script name="MyScript" id="123" >
This element exists when there is a script
specified to be performed on File Open.
<Layout name = "MyLayout" id="431" >
This element exists when there is a layout
specified to be switched to on File Open.
<CustomMenuSet name="menu set 1" id="2">
This element exists when there is a default
custom menu set specified to be switched to.
Applicable options when the database file is
<Script name="MyCloseScript" id="222" >
This element exists when there is a script
specified to be performed on Close File.