Database Design Report XML Output Grammar

6 FileMaker Pro Advanced Database Design Report XML Output Grammar
File Reference Section
All nodes below start with <FMPReport><File>
Tag Name Value Description
XML node for catalog of file references and
data sources.
XML node for the file reference.
Any valid file reference
id = "1"
Internal unique positive
integer value indicating
creating order.
Valid filename based on the
OS platform.
Contains the external XML detail report file
Valid path list strings. Each path is separated by the carriage return
XML node for data source.
Key of data source
Any valid name
Valid filename based on the
OS platform.
Contains the XML detail report file name.
Any valid string Name of DSN that's used.
Can have one of the
following values:
1 True
1 False
Determines if user should be prompted for
login credentials.
Can have one of the
following values:
1 True
1 False
Indicates whether user is using single sign-on
or not.
If using single sign-on, then this is the name
that the user provides.
Login username calc. Optional, exists only if
data source has entered user name.
XML node for calculation, same as in the rest
of the grammar.
XML display calculation node, same as in the
rest of the grammar.
Login password calc. Optional, exists only if
data source has entered password.
XML node for calculation, same as in the rest
of the grammar.
XML display calculation node, same as in the
rest of the grammar.