Database Design Report XML Output Grammar

| BaseTable Section 13
Can have one of the
following values:
1 True
1 False
Indicates if the validation maximum of
character option is applicable.
Can have one of the
following values:
1 True
1 False
Indicates if the validation error message option
is applicable.
<StrictDataType value="Numeric">
Can have one of the
following values:
1 Numeric
1 FourDigitYear
1 TimeOfDay
<NotEmpty value="True">
Can have one of the
following values:
1 True
1 False
<FieldCatalog><Field><Validation><Unique value="True">
Can have one of the
following values:
1 True
1 False
<FieldCatalog><Field><Validation><Existing value="True">
Can have one of the
following values:
1 True
1 False
id="23" >
to="2" >
<![CDATA[Calc String]]>
<Chunk type="CustomFunctionRef">
Custom Function Name</Chunk>
Type can have one of the
following values:
1 NoRef
1 FunctionRef
1 FieldRef
1 CustomFunctionRef
<MaxDataLength value="1">
<StrictValidation value ="True">
Can have one of the
following values:
1 True
1 False
Tag Name Value Description