Manual Chapter 5

8-8 Application Information
UltraMgr is a versatile, PC-based, database software package that is used to
manage corrective technologies data. UltraMgr is designed to communi-
cate with the UltraSpec analyzer and other CSI analyzers.
The storage of alignment information in a database provides many advan-
tages which include:
The ability to quickly retrieve and review the alignment status of all
equipment in an entire plant to help plan the maintenance priorities
and scheduling.
The ability to quickly retrieve and review the alignment history of a
particular technician to determine if more training is needed.
The ability to quickly retrieve and review the alignment history of a
particular piece of equipment to determine if the machine is going
out of alignment too frequently.
The ability to use previously entered and stored machine-specific
data and setup information in the present alignment (on the same
machine) thereby greatly reducing setup time.
The ability to use previously entered and stored machine-specific
data and setup information in the present alignment (on a similar
machine), thus requiring only minor changes in the field.
The ability to recall the complete alignment job previously per-
formed on the present machine (including notes) to see peculiarities
that might affect alignment. Knowing about previous problems will
reduce time spent tackling the same concerns. Also, the name of the
technician that performed the alignment previously is available in
case there are any questions.
UltraMgr can be used as a standalone program or in conjunction with CSI’s
RBMware. The maximum benefits of UltraMgr are obtained when used
with RBMware because you can quickly switch from alignment history to
examine vibration data for machines under investigation.
Chapter 8 Page 8 Friday, January 26, 2001 10:34 AM