Manual Chapter 5

5-4 Using UltraSpec Alignment - General Overview
Continuing with the UltraMgr program, you can then assign the job to a
machine and station thereby fully integrating the job information into the
UltraMgr database. If for some reason you do not want to assign the job to
a machine and station, you can leave it in the Unassigned Area.
In either case, you can then use UltraMgr to Load the job back into the ana-
lyzer and from that point, you can recall it into the Current Job area where
you have full editing capabilities.
Case 2
– You begin with a recalled job from the Stored Job area. An impor-
tant concept to remember is that a job recalled into the Current Job area is
essentially a
of the original job which remains in the Stored Job area.
This allows you to modify, renumber, and save the
thereby creating an
entirely new job (without affecting the original job).
However, if you want to change the original job (instead of creating a new
one), make the desired changes and, when prompted about saving the orig-
inal job, answer No. This allows you to overwrite the data in the original
job with your new data.
Case 3
– This case is referred to as job “cloning” and provides optimum
use of the entire system, including UltraMgr.
This procedure will be the one
commonly used after an alignment job has been archived in UltraMgr
. An old job
performed on the same machine can be loaded into the analyzer and used
as a template for the job to be performed. The old job contains information
on the job setup, the latest alignment condition (machine moves and toler-
ances), and concerns or observations (notes). You should review this infor-
mation before clearing out the readings and notes. If desired, edit the job
setup and then begin taking your first set of new readings.
In summary, some of the advantages in using this method are:
You save time by using a previous job setup.
Problems and concerns (soft foot, runout, etc.) documented on pre-
vious jobs can be viewed.
Jobs that are loaded from the Assigned area of UltraMgr already
have station and machine assignments; this ensures that your new
job data will be dumped to the proper location.
Although the UltraMgr user’s manual provides additional information,
some other concepts will be briefly discussed.