Manual Chapter 5

General Overview
Modified Jobs
– This job type is assigned to a particular machine within
UltraMgr. If a change(s) is made to a job that causes it to become Modified,
it will still retain its Station and Machine assignments in UltraMgr.
When loading a job from UltraMgr, you will receive a screen
prompt that allows you to assign a new Job No./Name to the
modified job. To ensure that your jobs are easy to identify, CSI
recommends that you assign a new Job No./Name. Otherwise,
you can have assigned jobs that have very similar labels
(except perhaps for the time the file was stored). Of course, you
can always use UltraMgr’s editing features to go back and
delete any jobs you really do not want to keep.
Unassigned Jobs
– If you create a new job or make change(s) to an existing
job that causes it to be Unassigned, when dumped, it will be placed in the
Unassigned Area of the alignment database. From there, you can use
UltraMgr to assign it to a machine within the database.
The following pop up box will be displayed if any fields are changed which
make the job an Unassigned job. Those fields are listed in the Unassigned
column on the previous page.