Manual Chapter 5

Acquiring Alignment Data
Data Collection Methods - Overview
In this chapter, we will examine each of the modes which can be used for
acquiring alignment data for the purpose of shaft alignment. It is assumed
that you have previously read the chapter “Using UltraSpec Alignment -
General Overview” on page 5-1. Therefore, this chapter does not explain
the various functions such as Job Definition and Soft Foot analysis which are
common to all modes.
Use of the Straightness mode is discussed in “Straightness
Application” on page 7-1.
4 Point Methods - General Information
There are two fundamental methods by which the data is acquired for shaft
alignment calculations, the 4 point modes and the sweep modes. The 4
point modes require data to be taken at positions perpendicular and par-
allel to the axis in which the machine’s position can be adjusted horizon-
tally. This is sometimes called the clock method and most often uses data
readings at 12 o’clock (0 or 360°), at 3 o’clock (90°), at 6 o’clock (180°), and
at 9 o’clock (270°). This is typical of the data acquired by those trained in
using a scaled graph to manually arrive at an alignment solution using the
reverse dial indicator method.