Quick Reference Guide

122 CMC Property Database Group and Object Definitions
NOTE: Use this object with the config or getconfig subcommands.
NOTE: To use this object property, you must have Chassis Configuration
Administrator privilege.
NOTE: You can configure any setting that is not preceded by the hash sign (#) in the
output. To modify a configurable object, use the -o option.
Displays information for and configures power for the chassis.
# cfgChassisInPower
Read only. Indicates the cumulative input power consumption data (in watts
and BTU/hr) captured from all healthy and functional PSUs in the chassis.
# cfgChassisPeakPower
Read only. The maximum system level power consumption (in watts) since
the value was last cleared by a user.
# cfgChassisPeakPowerTimestamp
Read only. The timestamp recorded when the peak system power value
# cfgChassisMinPower
Read only. The minimum system level power consumption value (in watts)
over the time since the value was last cleared.
# cfgChassisMinPowerTimestamp
Read only. The timestamp recorded when the minimum system power
# cfgChassisPowerStatus
Read only. Indicates the power status of the chassis.
Configuration options: 1 (other), 2 (unknown), 3 (OK), 4 (non-critical), 5
(critical), 6 (non-recoverable)