Web Services Interface Guide

Dellâ„¢ Lifecycle Controller 2 Web Services Interface Guide for Linux Version: 2.1.0
<n1:Message>The command was successful</n1:Message>
17.9.2 Create Target Configuration Job
Create a configuration job as shown in Section 17.7.
17.9.3 Monitor Set BIOS Password Status
To monitor the job status for setting the BIOS password, get the instance of the corresponding job as
described within the job control provider in Section 10.
Replace [INSTANCE ID] with the actual jobid from Section 17.9.1.
wsman get http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/root/dcim/DCIM_LifecycleJob
?InstanceID=[INSTANCE ID] -h $IPADDRESS -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443
-u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -j utf-8 -y basic
<n1:Message>Job completed successfully</n1:Message>
The status may be one of the following: