Deployment Guide

5.6.1 View Logging Configuration show logging
Shows the current state of system logging. There are 8 levels and 4 different components that can be each be
enabled or disabled independently for logging. The levels are 0-7 and the components are API, Mapping,
OpenFlow Database, and Datapath. These can be seen in the output of the show logging command.
ZYA123_console> show logging
Current debug log settings
Debug logging components available: API, Mapping, OpenFlow Database, Datapath
Debug logging components enabled: API Mapping OpenFlow Database Datapath
Debug logging verbosity levels available:
0 = OFF (FATAL only)
4 = VERBOSE (and then some)
6 = ALMOST ALL (except for in progress debugging)
7 = ALL
Current debug logging verbosity level: 1 (BASIC: FATAL, ERROR, WARNING) show ip syslog service
To see the state of the syslog service in the logging, use the following command. This shows the default value
when the switch is first set up:
FJ6K0Z1_console> show ip syslog servers
Remote Syslog server(s): Not enabled
5.6.2 Enable or Change Runtime Logging Levels/Components
The runtime logging options can be seen by using the following command:
FJ6K0Z1_console> set logging
possible subcommands:
component set component for logging
level set level for logging
This shows that there are 2 logging subcommands available: level and component. set logging component
Enables or disables logging components for specific internal code paths during runtime. This only changes
the values during this run of the system. To make this persistent in the running configuration use the set
default logging component command. See the examples below:
FJ6K0Z1_console> set logging component
set logging component command: valid components are 0-5
logging components currently set to 1,2
FJ6K0Z1_console> set logging component 1
Logging component 1 (API) enabled
FJ6K0Z1_console> set logging component 2
Logging component 2 (OFDB) enabled