Deployment Guide

show openflow flows command
Shows information about the entire contents of the openflow flow database.
To show information about the entire contents of the openflow flow database omit the “table” objecto:
FJ6K0Z1_console> show openflow flows
Showing openflow flow entries for all tables
Ingress Port Table (0) Flow Entries
Number of entries reported = 0
Maximum number of entries for this table = 2000
Number of entries actually found = 0
VLAN Table (10) Flow Entries for
Number of entries reported = 0
Maximum number of entries for this table = 12288
Number of entries actually found = 0
Termination MAC Table (20) Flow Entries
Number of entries reported = 0
Maximum number of entries for this table = 512
Number of entries actually found = 0
Unicast Routing Table (30) Flow Entries
Number of entries reported = 0
Maximum number of entries for this table = 40960
Number of entries actually found = 0
Multicast Routing Table (40) Flow Entries
Number of entries reported = 0
Maximum number of entries for this table = 8191
Number of entries actually found = 0
Bridging Table (50) Flow Entries
Number of entries reported = 0
Maximum number of entries for this table = 32767
Number of entries actually found = 0
ACL Policy Table (60) Flow Entries
Number of entries reported = 0
Maximum number of entries for this table = 7680
Number of entries actually found = 0
To show information about a single flow table in the openflow flow database use the following syntax.
These particular commands shows a request of the VLAN fow table and the Termination MAC flow table.
FJ6K0Z1_console> show openflow flows 10
Showing openflow flow entries for table 10, VLAN Table
VLAN Table (10) Flow Entries
Number of entries reported = 0
Maximum number of entries for this table = 12288
Number of entries actually found = 0
FJ6K0Z1_console> show openflow flows 20
Showing openflow flow entries for table 20, Termination MAC Table
Termination MAC Table (20) Flow Entries
Number of entries reported = 0
Maximum number of entries for this table = 512
Number of entries actually found = 0